Our Policies and Guides

At Rentsure, we are committed to delivering outstanding customer service.

As part of this commitment, we have included our polices and guides to provide full transparency of all areas of our business.

Dispute Resolution

Rentsure takes customer complaints very seriously and has a process through which we seek to resolve them.

Please view Rentsure’s Dispute Resolution Process for further details.

Product Disclosure Statement

Rentsure’s Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) provides information on fees, commissions, benefits and risks.

Family and Domestic Violence

Rentsure is committed to providing support to our customers affected by family and domestic violence.

We will achieve this by providing the required training and support to our employees. We will also refer you to specialist support services that can help you with family violence and domestic violence. Please refer to Rentsure’s Family and Domestic Violence Policy for further details.

General Insurance Code of Practice

The General Insurance Code of Practice outlines certain minimum standards of service that you should expect from insurers that have adopted the Code.

The standards covered by the Code include buying and renewing insurance, claims handling and complains handling. We’ve adopted the Code and we’re committed to complying with it.

The General Insurance Code of Practice Governance Committee is an independent body that monitors and enforces insurers’ compliance with the Code.

For more information on the General Insurance Code of Practice and the Governance Committee, visit Insurance Council of Australia.

Financial Hardship Policy

We’re committed to supporting customers facing financial hardship. Our Financial Hardship Policy can help you access support and services when you need them most.

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